The crossing of the Pythia




Tensión erótica, poiesis teatral, escena liminal, autoficción


The researcher-spectator, takes up experiences from doctoral research: "The audacity of Eros: erotic tension, counter-hegemonic device of theatrical poiesis", from the perspective of Theater Sciences, centered on a philosophy of scenic praxis from which the erotic tension, a device that supports restlessness or creative curiosity, plays a relevant role. The crossing in so many metaphorical images, brings a cartographic journey that configures the conceptual support, and guides the creative process: productive poiesis of the scenic-performative work Mujer en llamas. The tour selects, describes and organizes geographical and artistic milestones that are reflexively articulated to the sensitive and intellectual experience, leading to autopoietic inquiry. The artist-researcher assumes the challenge: accept the violent impulse (death) and conduct it in an act of loving dedication, in the construction of the autofiction of the one who excites her (erotic tension).


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Author Biography

Madeleine Loayza, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Doctora en Artes e Investigación, Universitat Politècnica de València, España. Profesora
titular de la Carrera de Artes Escénicas de la FAUCE. Como directora, sus propuestas
han ganado premios, generado publicaciones y conferencias en: Argentina, Perú, México,
Colombia, España, y Rusia. Su investigación doctoral y producción artística se enfoca en
la teatralidad, cuerpo y dramaturgias contemporáneas. Actualmente prepara “Mujer en
llamas”, obra de su autoría, a estrenarse en junio de 2023.



How to Cite

LOAYZA, M. The crossing of the Pythia. ouvirOUver, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 2, p. 132–148, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/OUV-v19n2a2023-67927. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.



Dossiê RED CITU: Rede Latino-Americana de Criação e Pesquisa de Teatro Universitário