O fazer teatral na Educação Infantil

percursos pelo norte tocantinense


  • Renata Patrícia Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins/ Professora Assistente do Curso de Licenciatura em Teatro




Teatro da Escola, Educação Infantil, Jogo, Pedagogia do Teatro, Formação de Professores


This article proposes to present the school theatre (AUTHOR, 2019; 2020), starting from the theatrical performance with children from Early Childhood Education, emphasizing the importance of taking into account the protagonism of the little ones, considering the context in which these subjects find themselves. To this end, children's play is taken as a reference and the game as a methodological alternative that allows appropriations that meet the different realities in which schools and their practitioners are inserted, privileging the protagonism of children as producers of their own culture. Thus, the reader is invited to walk to the region of Bico do Papagaio, in northern tocantinense and follow a practice developed in the Mangueiras Municipal School, with children's education, in order to understand the methodological paths outlined to develop a teaching as a tactical action, in the attempt to produce a school theater.



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Author Biography

Renata Patrícia Silva, Universidade Federal do Tocantins/ Professora Assistente do Curso de Licenciatura em Teatro

Professora Assistente do Curso de Licenciatura em Teatro da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. Doutoranda em Artes na Universidade Estadual de São Paulo. Pesquisadora na área de Pedagogia do Teatro.



How to Cite

SILVA, R. P. O fazer teatral na Educação Infantil: percursos pelo norte tocantinense. ouvirOUver, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 1, p. 22–38, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/OUV-v17n1a2021-55549. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/ouvirouver/article/view/55549. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.