Entre causos e cenas
o uso de narrativas orais na construção de dramaturgias
Causos, Dramaturgia, ExperiênciaAbstract
The article aims to analyze the use of oral narratives for the construction of dramaturgies in Benedito Ruy Barbosa's soap operas, with a reference to the soap opera Paraíso (2009), which studies the representation of a storyteller and how these narratives affect life of the population / characters of that soap opera. Relations are also made with theatrical performances that bring oral narratives to the construction of the dramaturgy and the scene. For this I approach the shows Campo Minado, directed by Lola Arias and Antígona, solo by Teresa Ralli. From the observation of the use of oral narratives collected in field research for the construction of the dramaturgy, the researcher decides to make the cut for this article from spectacles that were generated from oral narratives.
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