Re-existência epistêmica
Diferença colonial, discursos de corpos da exterioridade de paisagem biogeográfica
Corpo, Diferença colonial, Epistême-fronteiriça, BiogeografiaAbstract
Colonial difference, the term of the subaltern nonexistence of the frontier individual, a subject in “local modernity”, “the one” who is not a part but a refuse of self-centered power. The difference is an alternative of re-existence of the bodies of exteriority oppressed by geo-historical hegemonic (oppressor) practices/theories. Therefore, our discussion will take place in the ex-position of bodies of bodies-without-bodies (artistic and identitary), by decolonial theories as counterpartsian epistemic alternatives, to expose unseen bodies and people-with-bodies to the prevailing systems historical and contemporary who erase them in favor of non-representation in the culture and society where they are inserted. The intention of the discussion is to promote the argument that even with invisible bodies the dead bodies re-exist.
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