Stand up, Oral genre, Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC)Abstract
The objective of this study is to conduct the critical discursive analysis of the stand-up genre samples based on the assumptions ofCritical Discourse Analysis (ADC). In order to develop the study, we selected four stand-up presentations taken from a corpus composed of twenty-eight (28) videos, published from 2011 to 2015, and posted on the internet by YouTube site. Through the empirical material, the transcribed text, we seek dialectical relations between discourse and social practices. Thus, we adopt Fairclough's (2003) proposal to analyze the ways in which discourse appears in social practices - ways of behaving, of representing and of being - articulated to the three meanings - the acting, representing and identifying. The genre in question was also analyzed in terms of activity, social relations and communication technologies. This study evidences potentialities of the ADC for the genres analysis and it constitutes an important contribution to this theoretical field and especially to the characterization of other oral genres.
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