Gay marriage

the rainbowin the standard?


  • Fabio Pessanha Bila Fabio Pessanha BilaProfessor Assistente de Ciência Política da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz




The legal recognition of stable unions between same-sex couples by the Federal Supreme Court on May 5, 2011, which may be considered an important achievement for the LGBT movement in Brazil, has awakened the academic interest in understanding how male homosexual relationships Organize the sexual division of labor. We will then look at how male homosexual couples divide household chores. In this way, I try to reflect on the experiences of homosexual individuals who experience a stable relationship, which will allow us to identify the way they weigh and structure their conjugal lives. To what extent is there an interface with the heteronormative model or a break in the division of household tasks? What strategies do these couples use to break or reformulate the sexual division of classical work? If there is reproduction what social experiences that lead them to reproduce this normative model? For this, we conducted interviews with homosexual couples. The information provided by the interviewees is analyzed based on the theory of authors such as Pierre Bourdieu, Daniel Welzer-Lang, Elisabeth Badinter, Daniel Borrilo, among others.

KEYWORDS:Citizenship. Homosexuality. Weddings. Sexual Division of Labor.


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Author Biography

Fabio Pessanha Bila, Fabio Pessanha BilaProfessor Assistente de Ciência Política da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Fabio Pessanha Bila

Professor Assistente de Ciência Política da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz



How to Cite

Bila, F. P. (2019). Gay marriage: the rainbowin the standard?. Caderno Espaço Feminino, 31(2).



DOSSIÊ: Gênero e Sexualidade