Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The manuscript contains from 1 to 3 authors. Exceptions shall be requested to the editor in chief by the moment of submission. No exceptions will apply shortly before or after publication.
- The names, bionotes, institutions and ORCID of all authors were introduced on the website at submission. Such items are mandatory. Publication is conditioned to such metadata.
- This is the only submission by any of the authors/coauthors to this volume.
- The manuscript does not contain results of one or more studies with human beings or, if it is, it has been approved by a research ethics committee. In the latter case, the committee's approval shall be uploaded as a supplementary file. The journal does not publish research with human beings the has not been approved by a research ethics committee.
- The manuscript is original, i.e., it has not been published in books, journals or proceedings. Exceptions are allowed for parts of theses and dissertations, provided that they are reported to the editors.
- The manuscript has from 6 to 20 pages.
- Author and coauthors, if existent, are at least graduate students or, else, teachers, professors ando/or researchers with a master's degree.
- The manuscript is adequate to an open call for papers. Please provide the them in the "Comments to the editor" section.
- The manuscript is written in the style sheet.
- The manuscript is anonymized and related to the theme proposed in the call for papers.
- The expanded abstract in the first stage contains 300 to 500 words. The manuscript contains from 6 to 20 pages.
Copyright Notice
The authors retain author's rights but grant the journal the right of firsth publication. The works are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows sharing provided that the authors and this journal are properly ackonwledged.
Privacy Statement
Names and email addresses provided to this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.