The use of conceptual maps in the identification of obstacles to the learning of a subject that generates conflict between science and belief: the origin of life

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Núbia Costa Nascimento
Rosiléia Oliveira de Almeida
Fábio Luís Alves Pena


Teaching science involves obstacles, and when the subject raises conflicts, the challenge is even greater. This research aimed to identify which are the main obstacles in the learning of a subject that generates conflict between science and religion: the origin of the life. The participants in this study were 141 students of 3rd year of High Scholl from IFBA of Simões Filho. The students elaborated two conceptual maps, that were analyzed using a qualitative approach. Six obstacles have been identified: 1. difference between scientific and religious  background knowledge, 2. dissemination of erroneous scientific information in the media, 3. confusions on the meaning of theory and law, 4. mistaken previous knowledge, 5. rejection of scientific theories due to religious reasons and 6. scientistic posture of teachers during classes. The scientific knowledge can contribute to a critical thinking, but it is essential to respect the socio-cultural diversity, as well as their application contexts, only then we will build an ever more equal and just society.


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Nascimento, N. C. ., Almeida , R. O. de ., & Pena, F. L. A. . (2019). The use of conceptual maps in the identification of obstacles to the learning of a subject that generates conflict between science and belief: the origin of life. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 26(Especial), 1217–1237.


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