RELAET-Brasil: expansion movements of Ethnomathematics
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Fifteen years after the constitution of the Red Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática(RELAET), we can say that his existence has been very happy for the paths of Ethnomathematics, as an area of Mathematics Education, but especially as a Research Program and as epistemology for diverse research interests, pedagogical, social, cultural, political. Faced with the extension of Latin America, coordinations of countries were created and Brazil is in its second management. Some actions were initiated in order to approach and attract Brazilian members, as well as to recognize and inform their productions and manifestations. This text gathers data collected from the RELAET platform and from the Facebook community, EthnoMatemaTicas Brasis, which is its strategy of complementarity, in Brazil, and presents a brief analysis of these actions within a possible movement of expansion of Ethnomathematics.
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