From theory to practice: problematization and differentiated methodologies in Numerical Calculus

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Carmen Lucia Graboski Gama
Mateus das Naves Gomes
Liceia Alves Pires


This paper presents a case studyperformedwith Numerical Calculus class, in the Mathematical undergraduate of University State Paraná.Differentiated methodologies were employed through problem solving, mathematical modeling and new technologies. The goal was to minimize learning problems. For this, a practical activity was carried out with the said class, in which the students had to find an answer to a real problem, using the methodologies used during the course and also the concepts seen in Numerical Calculus. After this activity, it was necessary to maked an evaluation that sought to identified a form of worked in the school.From the answers it was noticed that a great majority of the answers were positive, that is, the students learned in a different way.When asked if the day they act as teacher, would teach using the methodologies experienced, everyone answered yes.With this work, one can see that it is possible and interesting that Numerical Calculus classes are not only restricted to traditional methods, but that these can be articulated with other methodologies that are more active.


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How to Cite
Gama, C. L. G., Gomes, M. das N., & Pires, L. A. (2018). From theory to practice: problematization and differentiated methodologies in Numerical Calculus. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 25(1), 234–255.


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