rethinking the teacher's performance in the classroom


  • Fabiana de Oliveira Gomide Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Olíria Mendes Gimenes Universidade de São Paulo



Methodology, Meaningful learning, Teacher training


Teaching based on knowledge transmission limits, to a large extent, advances in the learning process, meaning that the organization of teaching work is related to the success of the acquisition of knowledge by the student. Thus, this article aims to identify and analyze the knowledge needed for the development of teaching work. The study of bibliographical nature was based on the studies of Morgen (2000), Veiga (2005, 2010), Machado (2006), Libâneo (1991, 1994), Perrenoud (2000) and Kenski (2005) 1995). The results indicated that it is necessary to reflect on didactics, lesson planning and the construction of curricula to be successful in the teaching-learning process. This study allowed to conclude that it is of paramount importance the teacher to rethink his pedagogical actions in the classroom, from a professional preparation for his teaching work.


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