the importance of the community in the educational context


  • Juarez Ribeiro dos Santos Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Jane Maria dos Santos Reis Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Participatory Democratic Management, School Manager, School Board, Community


The objective of this article is to understand and reflect on the complexity of maintaining the partnership between school management and the community, establishing goals to be created and shared between both. It is an essential partnership for the establishment of favorable and necessary conditions for the development of an autonomous and participatory school environment. Faced with the challenges currently posed in public schools, it is evident the need for the collective participation of all those who work with education together with the community, aiming at the commitment and quality of education. In this sense, this work aims to contribute to the development of effective methods to solve these issues and consequently guarantee a school where its main actors feel the pleasure of teaching and learning. The methodology used for the studies carried out here was qualitative in which: 1) bibliographical research (books, periodicals and dissertations) predominated; 2) the professional experiences within a public school, both as student and teacher, in which the lack of interest of the parents and / or those responsible for subjects related to the students and specifically to the teaching-learning process is observed. The research problem of this reflection is to understand the factors and / or aspects that directly influence the participation of the school community in the actions of the school. With this, it was possible to conclude that the democratic management and the participation of the school community guarantee quality in education, since it promotes the social, intellectual and professional formation of the students.


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