O PDE e a Formação Continuada de Professores no Estado do Paraná


  • Luís Fernando Lopes




Policies, Continuing Formation, Distance Education


This research had as its object the professor distance continuing education politics in Paraná  State  after  the  approval  of  the LDBEN nº 9.394/96  until  2011.  The  general objective was to analyze, from the theoretical reference of the marxista, the  professor  distance  education  politics  in  Paraná  State trying  to  demonstrate  its  fundamentals. This way, from  the  categories  of  analysis proposed (ontology, gnosiology/epistemology and the dimensions of ethical / political and pedagogical), the main question that guided this research was: which axiological, ontological,   epistemological, ethical-political   and   pedagogical   principles are  the bases of professor distance continuing education politics in Paraná State? To reach this goal, documents suchas  the  Distance  Education  of  SEED/PR(2010) and  the Educational  Development  Program (PDE -2007)  outline  document  were  analyzed, and interviews  with  teachers  participating  in  this  program,  a  representative  of  the Syndicateof   Teachers   (APP)   and   a   teacher   who   worked   at   SEED/PR   with Networking Groups in the period 2007 to 2010. The results show the relevance of the policies studied and that there are contradictions  between  what  they  proposed  and analyzed the documents that tell the teachers interviewed. We note that the policies of  continuing  education  of  teachers  in  Paraná  are  embedded  in  a  highly  complex, marked  by  contradictions  and  class  struggle  in  which  the  initiatives  to  expand  the continuing education teachers go beyond the distance of the state and federal, being guided    by    policies    proposed    by    international    agencies. In    Brazil    these recommendations  to  the  education  sector  show  is  being  strictly  enforced,  because we  have  policies  that  promote,  training  more  teachers  in  less  time,  expanding  the training to a huge reduction in costs and transfer the burden to the teachers of their training. We emphasize  the  need  for  research,  training  of  teachers  critical  of combating ideologies that cause impoverishment and deskilling of teachers' work. At the same time the results of this study point in the direction of thework achieved by ensuring rights and the creation of new policies that really bring benefits to teachers and real improvement in the quality of public education.


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Author Biography

Luís Fernando Lopes

Professor do Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER.


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