Francisco Rangel Pestana, a History of Educational Intellectuals in São Paulo at the end of the 19th century

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Rubens Arantes Correa


The article aims to rescue the trajectory of Francisco Rangel Pestana (1839-1903), identified by scholars of the political history of São Paulo as the protagonist of the republican movement in the then province of São Paulo, especially from the 1870s with the creation of the newspaper A Province of S. Paulo (now O Estado de S. Paulo) and its involvement with congresses and political parties in its time. Without neglecting to highlight the important role played by Rangel Pestana with the press and the republican cause in São Paulo, within the scope of this work, it is intended to shed light on his trajectory as a militant engaged in the struggle for education, whether as author of articles and textbooks, or as a teacher and, alongside his wife, as the owner of a teaching establishment. Rangel Pestana, in terms of educational conception, aligned himself with the enlightened idea that through education the construction of a republican country would take place where the individual would be able to become a citizen.


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How to Cite
Correa, R. A. (2024). Francisco Rangel Pestana, a History of Educational Intellectuals in São Paulo at the end of the 19th century. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 23(Contínua), e2024–10.
Author Biography


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