The New Education Fellowship and South America: a panorama of the establishment of networks (1920-1930)
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The New Education Fellowship is a widely visited object in the historiography of education, considering its congresses, as well as the discussion presented by Brehony in his most known article, or related to educators and networks established in different countries, which are addressed in works by Middleton; Haenggeli-Jenni; Watras, and others. Still, we can perceive that this historiography is markedly circumscribed in Europe, with some works also referring to Oceania and North America. In this sense, our purpose is to create a historical panorama that makes it possible to understand the process of networks constitution between NEF and South America, in the 1920s and 1930s, having the NEF Conference in Locarno in 1927 as a milestone. To retrace these networks in South America, the main sources are exchanged correspondences between South American educators, Conference reports, and the magazines The New Era and Pour l’Ére Nouvelle.
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Os trabalhos publicados são de propriedade dos seus autores, que poderão dispor deles para posteriores publicações, sempre fazendo constar a edição original (título original, Cadernos de História da Educação, volume, nº, páginas).
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