The technical and theoretical constitution of the Tatu Digital Repository
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This article aims to problematize an initiative developed within the scope of the research project "Education, History and Policies in the area of coverage of the Federal University of Pampa" and refers especially to the process of creation and development of a digital repository. The proposal to create a virtual space capable of storing and sharing collections is based on the need to preserve the sources and the possibility of access for various researchers interested in exploring the possibilities contained in documents, journals, educational periodicals and other materials belonging to the collection. Thus, this article deals with the course of creation of this digital repository, through the process of treatment of the sources, its digitalization and organization of the repository that can be accessed through the electronic address, highlighting the potential in the interchange between areas such as information technology, education and history, to create versatile solutions.
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Os trabalhos publicados são de propriedade dos seus autores, que poderão dispor deles para posteriores publicações, sempre fazendo constar a edição original (título original, Cadernos de História da Educação, volume, nº, páginas).
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