IMPLANTAÇÃO DA AGRICULTURA COMERCIAL NO MUNICÍPIO DE BURITIZEIRO, CERRADO MINEIRO: O USO CAPITALISTA DOS RECURSOS NATURAIS - Implantation of commercial agriculture in the Buritizeiro city, savanna of the Minas Gerais: the capitalist use of the natural resources


  • Maria das Graças Campolina Cunha Gama Mestranda em Geografia - UFU
  • Andréa Maria Narciso Rocha de Paula UNIMONTES
  • Samuel do Carmo Lima Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



commercial agriculture, irrigation, cerrado, footpath, contradictions socioeconomic


This article analyzes the capitalist use of the natural resources in the municipal district of Buritizeiro, Minas Gerais northwest, and the social transformations occurred from two distinct processes: the firs was the territory was going deforested for charcoal work`s practice, supplying energy for the industrial parks of the big centers. His native vegetation was almost totally deforested an become green again for homogenous forest. The effects of this concentrator and excluding political carried to the rural exodus; the most recent second, was the commercial agriculture implantation and from the decade of ninety, that arose as a job generation option, income and development for the regions. This work has as objective discuss the social economic contradictions generated for this ones activities, the possibilities for the extremely poor and needy population of the district and possible environmental impacts, mostly about water collection, generated by the commercial agriculture implantation. Key words: commercial agriculture, irrigation, cerrado, footpath, contradictions socioeconomic.


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Como Citar

GAMA, M. das G. C. C.; PAULA, A. M. N. R. de; LIMA, S. do C. IMPLANTAÇÃO DA AGRICULTURA COMERCIAL NO MUNICÍPIO DE BURITIZEIRO, CERRADO MINEIRO: O USO CAPITALISTA DOS RECURSOS NATURAIS - Implantation of commercial agriculture in the Buritizeiro city, savanna of the Minas Gerais: the capitalist use of the natural resources. Caminhos de Geografia, Uberlândia, v. 4, n. 10, p. 1–12, 2003. DOI: 10.14393/RCG41015313. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 set. 2024.


