The practice of teaching/learning writing techniques for linear and non-linear scripts

discursive and applied considerations


  • Vanda Maria de Sousa Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - IPL - PT



Digital Narratives Script, Television and Cinema, Language and Subject, History and history


This article proposes a reflection on the interplay between language, subjectivity, and historical context within the realm of teaching and learning digital audiovisual scriptwriting. Stemming from a call to explore discursive practices in both formal and informal education settings, we delve into how the processes of subject formation engendered by these practices manifest within this particular domain. We underscore the significance of Brazilian Discourse Analysis as a theoretical framework, particularly in challenging the presumed transparency between discourse and pedagogy. Through rigorous critical analysis, we investigate how formal and informal discursive practices embedded in the pedagogical process of scriptwriting contribute to the construction of identities, shedding light on the contradictory and unequal power dynamics between institutional and non-institutional actors. By scrutinizing the nexus between the political and the symbolic in the teaching-learning continuum, we examine the processes of meaning-making, identification, and historical affiliation, thus accentuating the intricate interplay between language, subjectivity, and historical context in this specific domain. This exploration sets the stage for the presentation of a novel non-formal methodology for teaching and learning the craft of digital audiovisual narrative writing.


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Author Biography

Vanda Maria de Sousa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - IPL - PT

Doutora em Estudos Culturais. Professora Adjunta convidada da Escola Superior de Comunicação Social - ESC - do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - IPL.


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How to Cite

MARIA DE SOUSA, V. The practice of teaching/learning writing techniques for linear and non-linear scripts: discursive and applied considerations. Revista Heterotópica, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 135–159, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/HTP-v6n1-2024-73050. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.