Representations of refugee child in a UNICEF campaign
stereotypes and validated scenes in humanitarian discourse
Enunciation scene, Education, Stereotypes, Humanitarianism, Discoursive memoryAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the video "Mustafa: from Syria to Germany", produced by UNICEF for a campaign about refugee children. The analysis is based on the notions of stereotypes (Allport, 1979; Amossy e Pierrot, 2001; Gatti, 2014), enunciation scene, constituent discourse, validated scene (Maingueneau, 2006, 2010, 2015) and discoursive memory (Courtine, 2009). The results of the analysis show that is used a scenography of a documentary for the construction of the vídeo. This scenography contributes to the purpose of the vídeo, which is to raise funds for humanitarian work. Besides the video conveys stereotypes and validated scenes about refugee and childhood.
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