Set of psychological and pedagogical conditions of proper self-assessment formation at a primary school age

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Vitushkina Emma Viktorovna
Kozko Natalia Alexandrovna


In recent decades the issue of self-assessment formation in teaching primary school students has been one of the most urgent problems of education as contemporary society is interested in initiative, responsible and extraordinary personalities who know themselves, their abilities and needs, who are resistant to stress and hardship, who strive for self-understanding and self-development. The article highlights the topicality of the stated issue, presents structural components of the key concept (self-assessment), its development in childhood. The paper presents a set of pedagogical conditions aimed at implementation of the set task. The methods of  primary school students self-assessment formation are presented structurally and consistently, specific examples and stages of work in this direction are given. Every pedagogical condition of self-assessment formation in primary school is supported by description of various types of interaction while studying and also by its focus on personal growth of students which nowadays is one of the strategic objectives of modern education.    


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Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
Viktorovna, V. E., & Alexandrovna, K. N. (2023). Set of psychological and pedagogical conditions of proper self-assessment formation at a primary school age. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 7(2), 1–18.
DOSSIÊ - Sistema didático Zankov
Biografia do Autor

Kozko Natalia Alexandrovna, Candidate of Philology, lecturer at “Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University” - Russia



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