Logical-Historical Movement of Concepts: teacher training, teaching and research Presentation

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Marisa da Silva Dias
Maria Lucia Panossian
Maria do Carmo de Sousa


The purpose of this article is to present the second dossier about the "Logical-historical Movement of Concepts: teacher training, teaching and research”. Most of the authors explore the logical-historical movement of mathematical concepts in their articles, to arrange the teaching and promote continuing teacher training processes that go beyond traditional teaching methods. Therefore, the necessity to rescue historical bases of mathematical knowledge is perceived and in some instances the suppositions of the Teaching Guiding Activity are adopted for developing teaching situations for students or for the training process of teachers who approach situations that trigger learning.


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How to Cite
Dias, M. da S., Panossian, M. L., & Sousa, M. do C. de. (2024). Logical-Historical Movement of Concepts: teacher training, teaching and research : Presentation . Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 8(Contínua), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.14393/OBv8.e2024-31
DOSSIÊ - Movimento lógico-histórico dos conceitos: formação de professores, ensino e pesquisas


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