The formation of concepts and their contributions to the children’s development in the Childhood Education

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Eliane Nicolau da Silva
Maria Aparecida Mello


This article is part of doctoral research and has as goal to discuss the importance of the formation of concepts in the Childhood Education and its possibilities to potentialize the five years old children's learning. The analysis founded itselves in the Cultural-Historical Theory. The results achieved showed that in the teacher’s practice is possible to prioritize the formation of the concepts in children of the five years old, in order that this learning make sense for them live. The teacher’s activities organization showed itselves as one of the important factors for the learning of the concepts. For that, is necessary, initially, to execute a diagnostic observation about children’s learning of the concepts needs and, still, such organization be must intentionally planned by teacher, specially, through of the collective activities, in order to capture the children’s different visions about de same concept.


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How to Cite
Silva, E. N. da, & Mello, M. A. (2022). The formation of concepts and their contributions to the children’s development in the Childhood Education . Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 6(3), 735–751.
Author Biographies

Eliane Nicolau da Silva, Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Brasil


Maria Aparecida Mello, Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Brasil



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