The concept of object of teaching in Pedagogical Activity
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The problematic about what to teach in pedagogical activity often appears directly associated with the debate on the definition of a list or sequence of contents, subjects or topics. Based on the foundations of Cultural-Historical Theory, it is discussed three general issues: the relationship between teaching content and the systematized knowledge from disciplinary areas; the expression of the relationship between content and knowledge in curricular proposals, notably, in the current National Curricular Common Base; the specificity of the teacher's role in the organization of knowledge to be taught and learned at school. It is argued that the organization of pedagogical activity aimed at promoting the development of theoretical thinking in students involves the systematization of the objects of teaching in each area of knowledge. It is assumed that the term object of teaching expresses the conceptual bonds of an area, synthesizing the unity between the historically emerged needs and the answers that were developed to such needs in a certain sphere of life. In this way, it is argued that the object of teaching can be a potential instrument for teaching activity in relation to the analysis of the different prescribed contents.
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