Possibilities of objectifying the didactic principles that base Learning Development for an organization of a curriculum in the Mathematics fields

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William Casagrande Candiotto
Iuri Kieslarck Spacek
Eloir Fátima Mondardo Cardoso


The research on the organization of Developmental Learning, especially those carried out in the Elkonin-Davidov-Repkin system, confirm the development of theoretical thinking by students. The assumption is that this organization supports the effective of pedagogical praxis for an omni lateral formation of those sought. With this assumption, was carried out a research, in the theoretical modality, investigated the possibilities of objectifying the didactic principles that support a Developmental Learning for the organization of a Mathematical curriculum guidelines. This objective arose from the question: How is a school curriculum guideline in the area of Mathematics structured from the didactic principles that underlie Learning Development? In order to search for elements that contribute to answer to this question, we are based on the works of the authors who elaborated of the Elkonin-Davidov-Repkin system, with greater attention to the didactic-methodological aspects developed. Among them, we highlighted the didactic principles (new content, education that develops, activity and object character), idealized by Davydov (2017), considered here guiding threads of our analysis. As a result of the investigation, we indicate possibilities and limitations in the elaboration of a school curriculum guidelines, which are: the form of selection of concepts, considering the form of formation of theoretical thinking aimed; contents of concepts and their goal in the teaching organization, based on their genesis and development, evidenced in the identification of their genetically initial foundation and objectified in the task systems; and those involved in the objects that the School Curriculum aims at. This understanding of the curriculum implies the investigation of new ways of realizing the constitution of an education for the future, which stand out those based on Developmental Learning.


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Candiotto, W. C. ., Spacek, I. K. ., & Cardoso, E. F. M. . (2021). Possibilities of objectifying the didactic principles that base Learning Development for an organization of a curriculum in the Mathematics fields. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 5(2), 304–327. https://doi.org/10.14393/OBv5n2.a2021-61403


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