An analysis of concreteness math education activity in elementary education
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This article deals with the analysis of teacher demonstrations that reflect particular performances in the production methods of teaching mathematics in elementary school. Aims to enrich the debate about the origin of generational objectivations of this social practice and bring the plan the content of subjective determinations that derive from it. Analyses delimiting to the revelations of retired math teachers and pedagogical working in the teaching of mathematics in the early years, which manifest themselves on the teaching position and their productions in fulfilling this function. We consider in analyzing the interactions of the immediate practice linked to the universal process of this activity they are part of the teachers, that is, the concreteness of the necessary connections that make the activity an essential category in the investigation of human practice. The concern is the nexus of teaching activity, teaching practice agents and, therefore, the personal sense that is expressed for the teacher in his performance. For this way of view, emerges reflection in sense of answers to the question: what objective content of the characteristics of the activity are generating senses and emotions of the teacher in teaching activity? Therefore, the speeches clippings were selected from four interviews with retired math teachers and four pedagogues that for a dialogue with a semi-structured issues, reported on their teaching practices. These analyzes have emerged about reflections: the determinations of the subjective aspects of the teacher and the decisive character of the structural elements of foreign activity in their individuality.
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