Subjective development, educational practices and school practices: sociocultural approaches as an analytical tool

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Ricardo Baquero


The present article aims to develop a series of theoretical    and    practical    concerns    with practical   implications   for   both   intervention and  psychoeducational  inquiry,  analyzing  the classical and revisited problem of the relations between psychological development and educational  practices,  and  trying  to  address modern  school  practices  in  their  specificity. Emphasis   will   be   placed   on   the   risk   of reductionist   positions   in   psychoeducational approaches  as  well  as  on  the  contributions  of sociocultural approaches and on the categories of experience (perezhivanie) and social situation of development present in the vigotskian   work.   It   will   also   focus   on   the characterization  provided  within  sociocultural approaches  of  practices  of  schooling  and  the more  or  less  specific  treatment  given  to  its components and effects. Such issues arise from discussions  and  reflections  carried  out  within a  series  of  research  projects  on  educational experiences  in  secondary  public  schools  in  the AMBA  (Buenos  Aires  Metropolitan  Area)  of Argentina.


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Baquero, R. (2017). Subjective development, educational practices and school practices: sociocultural approaches as an analytical tool. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 1(2), 291–309.
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