The teacher's mediation in the development of written expression in argumentative texts by high-school students: an analysis from a vygotskyan perspective
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During the last four decades, there were improvements in the Brazilian educational area, especially regarding the expansion of the populationʹs educational level and the incorporation of new and promising teaching and learning concepts, many of them based on a social interactionist perspective. However, based on recent statistical data, it seems that, in the Brazilian scenario, there has been no significant progress in achieving proficiency for reading and writing abilities. The schematic, prescriptive and impersonal manner that has been employed to teach writing composition in classrooms and textbooks is one of the factors that do not contribute to the student's autonomous linguistic performance. Many experts indicate that, in order for the practice of writing to cease to be a mere school task and to become a communicative experience, an exercise of reflecting about the world and writing itself, the role of the teacher is indispensable. This article is part of a doctoral study in progress, interested in producing knowledge about the interaction of the educator in the teaching of argumentative writing, in the attempt to trace fields that give visibility to the engendered potentials in this experience with the act of writing. The outline proposed here has the intention of examiningthe effects of the mediation through the study of a specific case, that presents the interventions of a teacher and the production of a high school student in the context of weekly private lessons, carried out over a year, in the city of São Paulo.
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