The concept of dialogue and monologue among russians at the beginning of the 20th century: approaches and distances
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This essay has as manin objective the ananlysis of the concept of dialogue and monologue in Vygotsky, Volochinov, Jakubinskij and Sherba, to confront their studies, considering the relation between the first two with Jakubinskij, and through him the relation with Scherba, the latter was a reference for all. To promote this confrontation, works were consulted in French that approach the thought of Volochinov, Jakubinskij and Sherba, and in Spanish the thought of Vigotski. The conclusion is that Vygotsky maintained the principles defended by the masters, but Volochinov, in his reflections, widened the concept of dialogue, close the statement as the object of his research on language, and relegated the monologue to the world of abstraction.
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