The Philosophy of Education a space reflect

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Yanet Padilla Cuéllar
Pascual Valdés Rodríguez
Nancy Mesa Carpio


The  purpose  of  this  text  is  to  present  an approach  to  the  epistemological  debate  on the    Philosophy    of    Education    in    Latin America, based on the theoretical production in  this  field  and  the  position  assumed  by researchers  in  this  respect,  using  of  the theoretical  systematization  as  a  method  of educational  research.  The  authors  identify with  those  who  consider  the  existence  of  a Philosophy  of  Education  as  a  science,  which is   responsible   for   the   formation   of   man through  the  choice  of  a  model  of  man  and school.   The   article,   although   it   does   not intend     to     provide     a     new     definition, Philosophy  of  Education,  within  the  cluster of  existing  ones,  allows  an  approach  to  a concept  of  departure,  which  synthesizes  the different features that make it up. The study shows   the   epistemological   ambiguity   that still   persists   around   the   Philosophy   of Education as a science.


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How to Cite
Padilla Cuéllar, Y. ., Rodríguez, P. V., & Carpio, N. M. (2017). The Philosophy of Education a space reflect. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 1(1), 231–246.


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