Natural Determinants of the Earth-Mound Fields Distribution in the Southwest of the State of Goiás
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MALHEIRO , A. M.; BOEIRA, V. N.; BUENO, G. T.; MANTOVANI, J. R. Natural Determinants of the Earth-Mound Fields Distribution in the Southwest of the State of Goiás. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 36, n. 1, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v36-2024-69038. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 oct. 2024.


Murundus fields, also known as covoais, are frequent microreliefs in the Cerrado. These are sets of semicircular elevations that protrude from the surface of the land, rounded or oval, with average dimensions of 70 cm in height and 6 m in diameter. They are associated with wetlands and have been impacted by agricultural expansion. The determinants of its regional spatial distribution are still poorly known. This study aimed to identify the natural determinants of its spatial distribution in the Southwest of Goiás, in the Sedimentary Basin of Paraná. All occurrences of murundus fields identified by the project Mapping of Remnant Murundus Fields in the state of Goiás (SEMAD-GO/LAPIG-UFG) were compared with information referring to lithology, geomorphology, NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index), and SMI (Soil Moisture Index). The indices were obtained from SENTINEL 2-A (MSI) and Landsat 8 (OLI and TIRS) orbital images. It was found that murundus fields preferentially occur in the Alluvial Deposits, Cachoeirinha, Detritic-lateritic Covers, and Serra Geral geological units. Murundus fields predominate under slopes of 0 to 8% (flat to gently undulating relief), and in areas with lower drainage density. The NDWI and the SMI indicated that murundus fields are concentrated on wet surfaces, occurring less frequently in saturated/very wet areas and in moderate humidity, dry, and very dry surfaces.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Amanda Morais Malheiro , Veronica Natalia Boeira, Guilherme Taitson Bueno, José Roberto Mantovani


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