Technology and degradation of pastures in livestock in the brazilian Cerrado
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Technological index
Pasture degradation index
Cattle ranching
Multiple Correspondence Analysis
Vermelho River basin

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OLIVEIRA, E. R. D.; REGO SILVA, J.; FERNANDES BAUMANN, L. R. .; MIZIARA, F. .; GUIMARÃES FERREIRA, L. .; RODRIGUES DE OLIVEIRA MERELLES, L. . Technology and degradation of pastures in livestock in the brazilian Cerrado. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 32, p. 626–638, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v32-2020-55795. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 sep. 2024.


In Brasil ranching has played a fundamental role in the occupation of rural land. This process results in a series of environmental impacts, such as the erosion and compaction of the soil, and the emission of greenhouse gases, in addition to the intensive use of the soil and water resources. In part of the properties, inadequate management resulted in pastures with degradation levels. The literature points out the importance of intensifying technology as a way to guarantee sustainable pastures. The present study aims to identify and analyze the relationships between the technological level level of cattle production and the degradation of pastures in the Vermelho River basin in Goiás, central Brazil. This area is considered to be representative of livestock in the Brazilian Cerrado. The sample consisted of 60 cattle ranches, selected from each of the three sectors of the Vermelho River basin. The data were analyzed using a Multiple Correspondence Analysis, cluster analysis, and Beta regression to obtain Pasture Degradation Indice (PDI). Bivariate associations were found between the Technological Index (TI) and three variables – the manager’s income, topographic relief, and the size of the property. It was possible to verify the use of a higher technological level in the largest properties as well as in flatter areas. It was also found that the higher technological level provides higher remuneration to managers. However, there was no relationship between the technology used in the establishments and the cattle density, which can reduces profitability economic and animal welfare. There was also no association between TI and PDI, suggesting pasture degradation, even when using more intensive technologies in cattle production.
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