“Futures of Guanabara Bay”
an exhibition on innovation and climate democracy
Rio de Janeiro, Climate change, Non formal education, Scientific dissemination, ODSAbstract
Universities play an important role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both in generating knowledge and innovation and in disseminating them, which are essential elements for promoting sustainable policies and practices. This paper examines the event "Futures of Guanabara Bay: Innovation and Climate Democracy," held between March 21 and May 14, 2023. The immersive and interactive exhibition discussed the importance of Guanabara Bay and analyzed the impacts of climate change on this ecosystem, both in the present and the future. Additionally, it proposed a discussion on solutions based on research and technology developed at UFRJ and other Brazilian public institutions. During the event, the people visited the exhibition space and participated in 70 parallel activities. The event attracted around five thousand visitors, promoting civic education among the participants and encouraging reflections on building a more sustainable, democratic, and inclusive future.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Christine Ruta , Mariana Contins, Bruna Mariano Rodrigues, Meriane dos Santos Paula
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