Education in health for schoolchildren

to know in order to prevent




Cardiovascular diseases, Health education, Health promotion, Adolescents


This report aims to describe the experience and importance of an extension project developed by students and professors of the Federal University of Uberlândia in partnership with a public school in the city of Uberlândia, in 2018. It reports how the activities of education, promotion and health prevention for schoolchildren were developed. It describes the methodology of intervention and the instruments used to approach the topics. The topics addressed include the major cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, acute myocardial infarction, Diabetes Mellitus, strokes and the use of alcohol and drugs. We obtained positive and negative results, although it was possible to demystify cultural constructions, clarifying doubts, which generated interest in the topics addressed. We concluded that it is of the utmost importance to facilitate the knowledge of young people about cardiovascular diseases in order to promote, prevent and protect health, as these can prevent or remedy future chronic conditions.


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Author Biographies

Letícia Alves de Aguiar, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Graduated in Nursing, Federal University of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Mariane Bruna da Silva Mendes, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Undergraduated student in Nursing, Federal Univesity of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Mayara Danielle Fonseca Lima, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Graduated in Nursing, Federal University of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil; member of the Cardiovascular Health Research Group.

Patricia Magnabosco, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

PhD in Fundamental Nursing, University of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil; professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.


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How to Cite

AGUIAR, L. A. de; MENDES, M. B. da S.; LIMA, M. D. F.; MAGNABOSCO, P. Education in health for schoolchildren: to know in order to prevent. Revista Em Extensão, Uberlândia, v. 18, n. 2, p. 123–132, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/REE-v18n22019-48942. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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