Permanence and success at former students of PROEJA at IFSP, Campus Sertãozinho
Evasion, PROEJA, Youth and Adult EducationAbstract
The objective of this study was to identify the factors that contributed to the permanence and success of the students of the Technical Course in Mechanics Integrated to High School in the Youth and Adult Education modality of the IFSP Campus Sertãozinho. The factors that contributed to the permanence and success of students in this course were classified into 3 categories: individual factors, factors internal to IFSP and factors external to IFSP. Aiming to achieve the goal of this study, the choice was using the triangulation method, which combines many methods and research techniques to study the same phenomena. Thus, the first par was a documental analysis in order to obtain information about the course regarding the period between 2006 and 2019. The next step was the application of a questionnaire and interviews, to investigate the factors which contributed to the success of students who completed the course during the aforementioned years, which were: individual factors, factors internal to the IFPS and factors external to the IFPS. Among the individual factors, the most cited was “family support”, followed by “adaptation to academic life” and “compatibility between academic life and the demands of the labour world”. Regarding the factors internal to the IFSP, “didactic-pedagogical issues” and “teacher motivation” were the most mentioned, and subsequently, “physical infrastructure, material, technology and personnel for teaching” and “academic management of the course” received more indications. The factors external to the IFSP that were most often indicated: “social recognition of the course”, “valorization of the profession by society” and “job opportunity for graduates from the course”.
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