Nas ruas do sem fim do mundaréu com "As quatro chaves" e o Ventoforte




Street theater, Ventoforte, Ilo Krugli, Theater pedagogy


The article is part of the actoral research on music, dance and visual arts as essential languages for the play of the performer with the public in street theater. The original thesis of the article consists of corporeal-musical studies and experimentation in the rehearsal room, presentations of plays, street and stage, investigations and permanent collections of aesthetic materials across the country, to build the practical and conceptual bases of a methodology for teaching theater, based on Brazilian anthropological variants, which brings music and popular dance to creative processes and teaching-learning relationships. In this actorial investigative context, the article highlights the modes of preparation-creation and presentation of “As quatro chaves” (The four keys), a street show and open spaces, in which the arts are integrated in a game of learning desires with the public, highlighting the artistic and pedagogical relevance by Ilo Krugli and Teatro Ventoforte in the historiography of art education and the children’s theater in Brazil. The play translates Ilo Krugli's thought, creative and libertarian worldview, which makes the street play of desires a space for exchanging knowledge and experiences, a field of knowledge and freedom of expression, of autonomy of being, of times and collective spaces of communion and celebration.


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Author Biography

Luís Carlos Ribeiro dos Santos, UnB

Luís Carlos Ribeiro dos Santos, dito Luiz Carlos Laranjeiras, é ator, dramaturgo, doutor em Artes Cênicas (ECA-USP), mestre em Filosofia, diretor teatral e musical de peças com os grupos paulistas Andaime, Coletivo dos Anjos, Cia. Burucutu, Alumiah, Pés no Chão, Caixa de Histórias, Farândola Trupe, Teatro do Imprevisto, Arte das Águas, Labirinto/Tropa da Vale, Cênica e Teatro da Cadela Manca/PR. Publicou os livros A música e a dança popular na aprendizagem das Artes Cênicas; jogos rapsódicos (2021), Teatro de Luiz Carlos Laranjeiras (2015) e Folia da terra (2009). Ator, cenógrafo, bonecos, objetos do Teatro Ventoforte (RJ-SP) sob direção de Ilo Krugli: As quatro chaves, Brinquedo da noite, Labirinto de Januário, A tempestade, História do barquinho, Choro Lorca, História de lenços e ventos, Sete corações, Caminhadas e o disco O gigante azul. Integrante do Grupo Multidisciplinar de Estudo e Pesquisa em Arte e Educação (ECA-USP). 



How to Cite

SANTOS, L. C. R. dos. Nas ruas do sem fim do mundaréu com "As quatro chaves" e o Ventoforte. ouvirOUver, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 2, p. 229–246, 2022. DOI: 10.14393/OUV-v18n2a2022-66162. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 nov. 2024.



Dossiê Ilo Krugli e seu indomável Ventoforte