Identity, culture and black memories
Maria da Graça Oliveira's activism and the creation of the graça do aché black culture memory center
Memory Center, Afro-Brazilian Culture, Carnival, Bloco AchéAbstract
The research that led to this article began in 2021, as part of a project funded by FAPEMIG. The aim of the research was to recover the history and memory of Maria da Graça Oliveira, patroness of the Graça do Aché Black Culture Memory Center, a cultural facility at the Federal University of Uberlândia. The recovery of Maria da Graça's career as the creator and leader of Bloco Aché and Grêmio Recreativo do Bloco Aché was motivated by an understanding of her importance to the black movement in the city of Uberlândia between the 1980s and late 1990s. Acting as a creator of community support networks, Maria da Graça left a profound mark on the city's black activism, and her legacy has survived in the form of the Graça do Aché Black Culture Memory Center, as it increasingly becomes an aquilombamento space for the black population of Uberlândia.
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