“Neither being a mother, nor not being one”

motherhood and professional lives of black women


  • Jessyka de Jesus Lopes Martins Fundação João Pinheiro
  • Letícia Godinho Fundação João Pinheiro
  • Marina Alves de Campos Fundação João Pinheiro https://orcid.org/0009-0001-2830-743X




Black Women. Job Market. Motherhood. High Education. Public Service.


This article investigates how black women are simultaneously affected in their professional and maternal lives. Based on a theoretical review and interviews with two black women, mothers, public servants, it is argued that black women have greater difficulty combining their professional life with motherhood.


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Author Biographies

Jessyka de Jesus Lopes Martins, Fundação João Pinheiro

She is the coordinator of the Network of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte to Combat Violence Against Girls and Women - REDE RMBH (2024/2026). She was Coordinator of Policies for Women and of the Women's Reference Center of the Municipality of Nova Lima and advisor to the Undersecretary of Human Rights of the Municipality of Nova Lima until 2023. He holds a master's degree in Public Administration from the Prof. Paulo Neves de Carvalho School of Government, of the João Pinheiro Foundation - FJP (2020/2023). At FJP, he was a Capes scholarship holder and is a member of the State, Gender and Diversity research group – EGEDI. She is a Specialist in Municipal Public Management at the State University of Minas Gerais - UEMG (2017/2019), where she began studies on public policies, women, promotion of gender, class and race equity. She holds a degree in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG (2008/2013).

Marina Alves de Campos, Fundação João Pinheiro

She holds an undergraduation diploma in Abi - Geography from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Undergraduate student in Public Administration at the School of Government of the João Pinheiro Foundation. She researches topics related to the environment and public policies, social participation and gender. She has backgrounds in the field of film and creative writing.


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How to Cite

de Jesus Lopes Martins, J., Godinho, L., & Alves de Campos, M. (2024). “Neither being a mother, nor not being one”: motherhood and professional lives of black women. Caderno Espaço Feminino, 37(1), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.14393/CEF-v37n1-2024-3


