(Inter)Arts / Media Resistance in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Survivals, Covid-19, Activism, Social art, IntermedialityAbstract
This article presents the Survivals outreach and extension project, inserted in the areas of art, culture and communication and developed at CEFET-MG. This project stimulated students’ engagement in interartistic/intermedia creative processes, involving the experimentation of different languages, artistic techniques, and communication tools, with a view to producing and diffusing artistic works and cultural actions that represent a direct contribution to actions against Covid-19. It included oriented study, creative practices, and dissemination of interartistic/ intermedia production to propagate correct and qualified information and knowledge about combating the pandemic. The ongoing actions in the creation/communication and the free distribution of a collective book are means by which we seek to achieve an extension action directed to a wide public. The interdisciplinary theoretical framework includes works in the fields of Interart /Intermedia Studies; Theory of Art; Visual Anthropology, and others.
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