historicity and interdisciplinarity in the construction of the subject


  • Aure Neire de Melo Bernardi Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Natália Luiza da Silva Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Historicity, Interdisciplinarity, Subject


This article aims to reflect on how interdisciplinary work with a focus on historicity can contribute to the formation of literate subjects. It intends to approach the historical construction of the subject in the face of the environment and the society in which he is inserted, using the curriculum as a basis to promote interdisciplinarity between school contents. It is based on the assumption that it is up to the school to develop strategies so that students understand, in an integrated manner, all aspects that involve the origin and development of the municipality in which they live and the relationship between the subjects studied. Cities are full of reasons to sharpen research in search of historical knowledge and preparation for a new perspective on urban sustainability. The preparation of the article is focused on active and updated subjects with the different ways of approaching historicity, through interdisciplinarity, so that they can form students aware of their rights and duties as citizens. The knowledge of the historical facts, pertinent in each epoch, from the beginning to the present day, as well as their consequences and influences in the development of societies, help in the construction of the students' criticality. Therefore, the work aims to recognize education as the best path in the search for social and sustainable development. Becoming the key to raising awareness and building a new way of living, self-sufficient.


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