Challenges that permeate the pedagogical practice
Pedagogical Practice, Teacher Student, Elementary School, Teacher TrainingAbstract
This article aims to analyze the difficulties of the pedagogical practice of the teacher who works in the 3rd year of elementary school. It also articulates the study of the evaluation of basic education in relation to reality and school context, as well as teaching practice as part of the educational process, where the teacher uses a set of actions to develop the pedagogical work that enables the production of knowledge and learning. Emphasizing their social role, their joys and their challenges. It also articulates the study of the evaluation of basic education in relation to reality and school context, as well as teaching practice as part of the educational process, where the teacher uses a set of actions to develop the pedagogical work that enables the production of knowledge and learning. This research project on the challenges that permeate the pedagogical practice started from the theoretical-bibliographic qualitative approach centered on the theoretical contributions of authors Szymanski, Silveira and others on the difficulties of the teacher in the third year of elementary education in Brazilian public schools. The researches (SZYMANSKI, 2002) and content analysis (FRANCO, 2003) involved twenty teachers from the initial years of ten public schools that work in three municipalities in the interior of the State of São Paulo. However, this set of issues has been the subject of debate in schools and the educational scene in recent decades. The role of school, teaching and challenges has been widening as society and, above all, learners change and the right to education widens, including the right to knowledge, to science, to technological advances and new technologies of information. It was concluded that in this pedagogical scenario, its actors, the teacher and the student, still do not know clearly how to proceed on the stage of educational institutions, because while these deal with the configured and determined to be fulfilled, these agents are alive, the proponents of new ways to present themselves in this scenario.
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