Personal files of teachers: what do they keep and what do they tell us?

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Libânia Nacif Xavier
Mychelle Nelly Maia Robert


The article refers to the Personal Archive of Professor Rubin Santos Leão de Aquino (1929-2013): professor of history of pre-university entrance courses in the south zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro and active intellectual mediator, having worked in radio programs; unions and entities dedicated to the struggle to defend political rights during the military regime. It is divided into four sections: the first reflects on the nature of the personal files of teachers of basic education; the second describes the contents of the Archive in question; the third articulates the personal characteristics of its holder with the marks of a professional culture related to high school history teachers; the fourth and last section points to the evidence and challenges that emerged in the research that were woven into the dialogue between the archival organization and the research activities with these documentary sources.


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How to Cite
Xavier, L. N. ., & Robert, M. N. M. . (2021). Personal files of teachers: what do they keep and what do they tell us?. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 20(Contínua), e045.
Dossier - Traces that leave traces: personal archives and present time
Author Biographies

Libânia Nacif Xavier, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)

Mychelle Nelly Maia Robert, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)


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