Amusements and education of the body in Protestantism of Benjamin Franklin (1682 -1791)

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Narayana Astra Van Amstel
Evelise Amgarten Quitzau
Marcelo Moraes e Silva


The purpose of this paper is to comprehend the elements that characterized the posture of north American Protestantism regarding amusements and the education of the body. Although there are many works on Benjamin Franklin few have explored the relation of their contributions with a prescription on the use of free time and the education of the body.  The sources were Pennsylvania legislations and the writings of Franklin. The analysis evidence that, if on one hand the laws constituted a set of interdictions regarding idleness and amusements, on the other hand Franklin’s writings brought favorable mentions about activities such as chess and athletic practices, justifying based on a utilitarian moral.


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Van Amstel, N. A. ., Quitzau, E. A. ., & Moraes e Silva, M. (2020). Amusements and education of the body in Protestantism of Benjamin Franklin (1682 -1791). Cadernos De História Da Educação, 20(Contínua), e015.
Author Biographies

Narayana Astra Van Amstel, Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brasil)

Evelise Amgarten Quitzau, Universidad de la Republica Uruguay (Uruguai)

Marcelo Moraes e Silva, Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brasil)


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