An invented tradition: the story of the private school in Brazil, under the interpretation of the Catholic intellectual Kuno Paulo Rhoden in 1985
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This article intends to discuss from the historical analysis of the national conferences of private educational establishments (CONEPEs) The conception of society of the subjects present in these events giving prominence to the issue of freedom of education in Brazil . The CONEPEs start in the year 1944 being organised initially by associations of educational establishments and subsequently by the Federation of Educational Establishments (FENEN). We focus specifically on the historical retrospective conference of the private school, handed down by the Jesuit priest Kuno Paul Rhoden in the XX CONEPE, held in the city of Florianópolis, in the state of Santa Catarina, between 14 and 18 July 1985 having As a central theme "Democracy and freedom of education". The leaders of private educational establishments, considered here as intellectuals, organized themselves and sought to act in a joint manner in order to make themselves hegemonic in national education.
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Os trabalhos publicados são de propriedade dos seus autores, que poderão dispor deles para posteriores publicações, sempre fazendo constar a edição original (título original, Cadernos de História da Educação, volume, nº, páginas).
CONGRESSO NACIONAL DOS ESTABELECIMENTOS PARTICULARES DE ENSINO, 20, 1985, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis, 1985.
HOBSBAWM e RANGER, Eric J. Terence. A invenção das tradições.10.ed.,São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2015.
RHODEN, João Claudio. A escola particular e a democratização do ensino. Curitiba: Rosário, 1985.
SCARFONI, Eduardo Norcia. Os Congressos Nacionais dos Estabelecimentos Particulares de Ensino (CONEPEs) e a hegemonia da iniciativa privada na educação nacional (1964- 1985). 2017. Tese. (Doutorado em Educação: História, Política, Sociedade) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2017.