Industrial heritage and theatre: deactivated warehouses used for scenic practices in different spatial configurations


  • Evelyn Furquim Werneck Lima



industrial heritage, theatre, spatial configurations


This article proposes to discuss artistic practices, especially theatrical ones, which have been appropriated from industrial, port, agricultural, and railway structures, starting from occupations with different spatial possibilities in deactivated industrial warehouses with heritage value. Such occupations seek to ensure a participatory relationship between stage and audience and establish a relevant role in the enjoyment between body and space outside the specific theatre building. On the grounds of the theoretical basis selected among Anglo- Saxon researchers who elaborate concepts on the topic, such as Marvin Carlson, Juliet Rufford, and Andrew Filmer, the argumentative question of this research section was to investigate how industrial structures have been appropriated in the Brazilian scene as performance spaces of different configurations.


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Author Biography

Evelyn Furquim Werneck Lima

Doutora em História Social pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Unirio). Pesquisadora do CNPq e da Faperj. Autora, entre outros livros, de Edifícios teatrais contemporâneos: impactos urbano- ambientais e sociais nas cidades. Rio de Janeiro: Contracapa/ Faperj, 2022. 


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How to Cite

Furquim Werneck Lima, E. (2023). Industrial heritage and theatre: deactivated warehouses used for scenic practices in different spatial configurations. ArtCultura, 25(47), 142–160.



Minidossier: Between History and Theater