Memoria y (en) resistencia en el discurso
(de)construcciones del cuerpo y lenguaje femenino en/a través de lo digital
Beauty, Feminine body, Idealization, Instagram, MemoryAbstract
In this work, we aim to analyze the meanings constructed by social networks about a dictatorship of beauty (im)posed to the female body and which continues, at large steps, historically influencing subjects to follow certain patterns crystallized in a social memory. More specifically, we observe two discursive instances that, on the one hand, idealize beauty from the standardization of the body and language, ratifying the dominant discourse of remaining “adequate” and successful, and on the other hand, resist such pre-constructed, fostering new imaginaries of resistance about women and their free bodies. For this scientific projet, we will use two Instagram profiles, like @cintiachagass and @Ju_romano, digital influencers who have a significant number of followers and contribute with sayings about the woman's body, the idealization of beauty and a language "ideal". Therefore, we will observe the opposition of two memories that resume not only the facts and events of history showing a commercial sector and, consequently, profit, but also promoting all the interdiscourse that includes it as dominant. For our analytical construction, we used the theoretical-methodological reflections of the French matrix discourse analysis, in particular the notions of discursive memory and event, heritage of Michel Pêcheux (2008, 2010).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Júlia dos Santos Oliveira, Marco Antonio Almeida Ruiz
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