Conceptual notes on the notion of transgression




Transgression, Foucauldian approach, Conceptual formation


This text, synthesis of my thesis The transgression in discourse studies: ways for a conceptual operationalization (2018), is based on a Foucauldian approach to discourse, inscribing itself in a philosophical position, much more than in a theory or method. In this article, we write a less probable but not impossible writing for an academic textual genre aiming not only to dissert about, but to demonstrate the rupture strategies characteristic of the transgressive practices. Simultaneously, I tried to highlight the points in which the Foucauldian notions contribute to illuminate conceptual and operational formulations of the idea of ​​transgression. This research assumes an epistemological posture, because it aims to think the construction of a system of conceptual formation. Therefore, starting with Foucault's point of view on transgression in a text of 1963, we identify seven conceptual points for the idea of ​​transgression, namely: (1) "transgression is a gesture concerning the limit "; (2) transgression is of the order of the event; (3) transgression is a discussion about truth; (4) transgression is a discursive investment; (5) transgression is a discursive machine that moves the relevance of tradition; (6) transgression is a strategy of resistance; (7) transgression is one of constituents of an apparatus (dispositif).


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Author Biography

Wilton Divino da Silva Júnior, Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG

Professor Adjunto da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Goiás.


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How to Cite

DIVINO DA SILVA JÚNIOR, W. . Conceptual notes on the notion of transgression. Revista Heterotópica, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 156–165, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/HTP-v1n2-2019-52112. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.