The process of obutchénie of equations of the 2nd degree based on the Zankovian didactic system for the ethical and moral formation of students

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Lóren Grace Kellen Maia Amorim
Fabiana Fiorezi de Marco
Mariana Martins Pereira


In this article, cut from a thesis, we aim to analyze the organization of the process of obutchénie of equations of the 2nd degree based on the Zankovian didactic system for the ethical and moral formation of students. As a research methodology, we used the micro cycle experiment carried out with 24 students from the ninth year of elementary school in a public school in Uberlândia-MG. In the analysis we noticed that the intentional organization of actions and dialogues between students or between students and teacher-researcher were driven by reflections caused by the experience of the problem situation in which they were involved. The results of the research revealed that the moments experienced by the students during the micro cycle experiment contributed to them: being active subjects in the process of obutchénie, conducting it with responsibility; understand that the level of difficulty and the variety of new content proposed in the problem situation were provocative and drivers of more complex mental operations indicating training in moral and ethical aspects.


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How to Cite
Amorim, L. G. K. M., Marco, F. F. de, & Pereira, M. M. (2023). The process of obutchénie of equations of the 2nd degree based on the Zankovian didactic system for the ethical and moral formation of students. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 7(2), 1–27.
DOSSIER - Zankov didactic system


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