The universal, particular, and singular in the number concept in the Study Activity

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Pedro Gabriel Ambrosio
Vidalcir Ortigara


This text is an excerpt from the dissertation entitled: Lógicas formal e dialética em sistemas de ensino de matemática. In this sense, it shares the objective of manifesting the elements of logic that mediate the Elkonin-Davídov teaching system, in this specific article, the category of the dialectic called universal, particular and singular. This objective can be translated according to the following question: How is the category of the universal, particular and singular manifested in the concept of number in the Study Activity? In order to develop an answer to this problem, the text progresses according to the following sections: 1 Introduction; 2 The universal, particular and singular in the concept of circulation of goods; 3 The concept of number in the Study Activity; and 4 The final considerations. At the end of the text, we demonstrate an analysis of the concept of number, presented in the Elkonin-Davídov system, based on the dialectical category called universal, particular and singular.


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How to Cite
Ambrosio, P. G., & Ortigara, V. (2023). The universal, particular, and singular in the number concept in the Study Activity. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 7(3), 1–19.


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