Body culture and human formation: the social role of Physical Education in school education

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Jéssica da Silva Duarte de Andrade
Bárbara Isabela Soares de Souza
Leonardo Carlos de Andrade


The main objective of this article is to identify the theoretical-methodological relationships that exist in the teaching of Physical Education and its ontological potential in human education in a school context. This is a theoretical production, of a philosophical nature, which has as pillars Historical-Cultural Psychology, Historical-Critical Pedagogy and the Critical-Overcoming Approach, knowing their theoretical unity with Karl Marx's Social Theory. Therefore, from the point of view of the method, we are based on the movement that goes from synchrony to synthesis, through the mediation of the analysis of the referred theories. In this scenario, we analyze, from the category of work, the social role of the physical education teacher and his contributions to human formation. As an exposition of our synthesis, we understand that the role of the Physical Education teacher is to produce humanity in each singular individual present in the school context, through the intentional and objective socialization of the concepts of the Corporal Cultural. We understand that this category brings with it a cathartic potential for the formation of the social being, which, when taken for itself, enables a new synthesis about social practice.


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Andrade, J. da S. D. de ., Souza, B. I. S. de ., & Andrade, L. C. de . (2020). Body culture and human formation: the social role of Physical Education in school education. Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 4(2), 583–601.


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