Teaching-Orienteering Activity: possibility to reflect on the image of the teacher and the variation and change in the school

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Diego Alejandro Pérez


It is our objective in this article to show the process of reflection and organization of Teaching Guiding Activities of three teachers from a rural school, around the concept of function, for the mobilization of the Personal Sense that these teachers attributed to their teaching activity. Within the framework of a historical-cultural perspective of mathematics education and, when understanding the need to organize the teaching of teachers, some spaces for reflection were proposed in which, from the reading of Teaching-Orienteering Activity and experiences Two movements came from his own activities: one, the reflection on the idea of variation and change as a phenomenon that transcends the static character of an algebraic expression and manifests itself, among other things, in the change in the image of the teacher , his teaching activity and life itself; and two, the collective creation of Teaching Guiding Activities to address the concept of variation and change with first and second grade students of basic education. The actions and voices of the teachers, which were the units of analysis within the framework of a qualitative methodology and a critical-dialectical approach, enabled me to understand that the needs of the teachers, their perception of the idea of change and that of their students, and the incidence of Teaching Guidance Activities as a teaching methodology, mobilized, among other things, the personal sense that these leading teachers attributed to their own teaching activity.



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How to Cite
Pérez, D. A. . (2020). Teaching-Orienteering Activity: possibility to reflect on the image of the teacher and the variation and change in the school . Obutchénie. Revista De Didática E Psicologia Pedagógica, 4(2), 434–459. https://doi.org/10.14393/OBv4n2.a2020-57490
Dossiê - Atividade Orientadora de Ensino


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